just normal, boring adult life

Hi friends of the internet,

it feels oddly nostalgic sitting here on my couch, typing this. It’s been a long, long while since I’ve written anything on here and yet I’ve missed it dearly, especially these past few weeks. Thank you to all of you for sticking (hah) by me, I received some wonderful messages and emails during my absence.

A year of rest and relaxation (and many realisations)

My excuse for not writing sooner? Just normal, boring adult life things. The truth is, I’ve been incredibly (annoyingly – or so my loved ones tell me) happy this past year, so much so that for the first time, I was out of sticky situations I could write about. And that in itself felt incredibly strange, even with my friends in real life. They would ask me what was happening in my life and I felt incredibly insecure that I seemingly had nothing interesting to share anymore. It wasn’t until recently that I came to the conclusion that I was still operating under the illusion that interesting news always had to be something big, something bad or something shocking. But that definition just doesn’t ring true for me anymore.

My life has fell into more of a stable routine with having full-time work, maintaining a flat, planning for the future and living life in general. A routine that was non-existent during my student years – something that offered me a lot of freedom at the time, freedom to grow and discover more of who I am and what I want. Now that I’ve learnt those things and have started a new chapter, it’s been an adjustment — navigating adult life, working a demanding job, finding time to myself while keeping up with and staying connected to my loved ones.

And I’m not going to lie – because I was the first of many of my friends to start such a new chapter (many are still pursuing their academic dreams and studying hard) I felt oddly disconnected from them at first. From one day to another a large portion of my life revolved around my job and it was an odd feeling somehow, telling them about struggles they had never dealt with at such a scale before. It took a while to adjust to all of the changes in my life (as always – long time readers out there will remember) and come to terms with the fact that being on a different timeline in comparison to the people in your life is inevitable, and, beautiful even. We should all embrace the point we are at in our lives and celebrate those differences.

I love my life at the moment. I have found true contentment and happiness, have taken the past year to grow so, so much. But sometimes those changes weren’t that noticeable when I was going through them (only after reflecting after some time had already past). Which fed into the feeling I described before, the feeling and fear of not having anything interesting going on anymore. It almost felt wrong, not having any anxiety or complaints centered around my life.

Now I know how lucky I am to be so content with where I am at the moment. I share the normal, boring adult things happily and excitedly with my friends. Got a new teacup at a flea-market? Share. Tried a new recipe? Share. The little things in life are celebrated to the maximum and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Life feels simple and carefree at the moment and a part of me feels like I have settled more in who I am – that I have become who I was meant to be.

Celebrating the little things

Picking up on being more aware of those little, random, seemingly ‘boring’ things in life – I’d like to share some of mine with all of you to end this post.

☀︎I would also lovelovelove to hear some little things that have happened in your life. Things that you maybe wouldn’t even think to share but have brought a little joy into your life or made you grow. Feel free to share☀︎

  • I invented a new ice tea recipe by accident which is pretty damn good if I may say so myself. I’ve been making it a lot! If this has made you lust for ice tea, I have a different recipe you can check out here.
  • My boyfriend and I made a reservation at our favourite restaurant EVER and I’m really looking forward to going there to celebrate the start of autumn. Soooo looking forward to the next season (changing colour of the leaves, autumn walks, TEA, ankle boots, wholesome autumn dates,..)
  • I am currently reading A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara and so far, I am loving it. It’s definitely been tugging at my heart strings. I have been reading more again lately, in my little reading nook in my living room.
  • After being away so much this August (Portugal for 2 weeks 🥰 & a family trip / wedding) it’s been lovely settling back home and spending time here again. I missed home!
  • I’ve been itching for a new home project and have been contemplating redecorating some parts of my bedroom. I am currently playing around with design ideas and have really been enjoying the process!
  • Cold showers are kind of nice. Slowly getting used to them day by day (not going to lie: sometimes I switch back to warm because it’s just so.damn.cold).

Love, Fiona

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