Where I live: the blue box

Welcome back to Where I live, a series dedicated to peeking into the personal spaces of myself and the people around me. In it, I hope to highlight that each and every room comes with its own personality and quirks that reflect those of its owner.

In the last feature we tackled my uni room. Our second stop will be my room at home, in my parents house. This is something like my sanctuary and I have had many years to make it my very own. Why do I call it “the blue box”, you may wonder? Come on in and find out:


Like I did in the first feature, I decided to start off with my desk area, seeing as this is the place I am currently sat at, typing away. From my desk I have a spectacular view of our garden and the fields that extend beyond it. Sometimes the field owner plants sunflowers, so in summer I will have an endless field of sunflowers to gaze at all day.

My desk is the place where I come up with a lot of ideas and start creating new projects, so it is important to me for it to be a place of creativity , a place I feel inspired. My big window (that goes from the floor to the cealing) definitely helps with that, as I get a lot of natural light in my room at all times. Yet sunlight is not enough on its own, which is why I decorated this space with a lot of my own work, photographs, collages and anything else I could find.



Do you see my “born to chill” sign over there? I like to imagine it came out of the womb with me.

Next to my desk I have a bookshelf which used to store other things (such as schoolwork, all of my camera equipment, etc.) but gradually turned into one of my primary storage spaces for books as my collection grew (and my obsession deepened).

*I just love my bookshelf so much*

Below you can see a nook of sorts in my room that I use for getting ready. The cupboard which holds all of my products is a bit higher than your usual vanity or desk, so I mostly do my hair and makeup standing up (though I do have a bar stool that I can use for sitting down).

I bought a cheap three tier stand from Ikea (which I’m pretty sure was meant for food) which I use to store products that I often use and sunglasses.

Welcome to the place I probably spend most of my time in: my bed. The shade of blue of the wall my headboard rests against is a little darker than the one on the other walls (I just couldn’t decide which shade to get so I chose both).

On the lighter wall next to my bed I hug up a few different frames which house some of my favourite photos of my friends, family and I. In hindsight I wish I had hung them all up closer together and maybe put more up in general, but oh well.

Around the side of my bed and my headboard is this metal “string” from Ikea, which I use to display some of my favourite photos and just random pictures and cut-outs I find interesting. I also adjusted some pixie lights there, to have some light when I want to read in the evening.

Above my bed you can see my pride and joy: my two sets of book shelves which I am surprised haven’t yet collapsed on my head while I’m sleeping.

My bedside table is not really visible in any of these photos, I just put a bunch of random bits and bobs on it.

At night I plug in the pixie lights surrounding my bed and it gives my room SUCH a vibe.

Plastered on my door is a collection of things that I love. I printed out a lot of logos of bands I like and stuck them on my door with some polaroid pictures. I also included some great quotes from musicians and films and voila: I created this masterpiece of door decoration:


As you might be able to tell, I don’t like empty surfaces; which is exactly why I also had to do something with my wardrobe doors. In the middle I hung up a few of my art pieces from school, to the sides are lists. Now I know what you are thinking – lists of what?

Well, the one to the left is a list of books I would like to read, the blue dots next to some of the titles indicating if I have read them yet. The list on the right is longer (oops) and is a growing number of films I would like to watch, the pink dots marking the ones I have seen.

To answer everyones question, why?, I must admit that I don’t really know. I just was really motivated one day and decided to write everything down and make a….(you guessed it) list out of it. I JUST ENJOY CREATING THEM, OKAY? THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT….IS THERE?




I love collecting funny postcards, so the one you see to the left was a must!
At night, this lamp casts beautiful shadows around my whole room.
The four stages of taking a picture with your best friend.
I’ve had this necklace since childhood, I think I was about 4 when my family gave it to me.
An Elliott Smith CD I made by myself a few years back. I never actually listen to CD’s anymore, so it’s treated more like art.
Some wind chimes that somehow made it into my bedroom and are hung up on the ceiling.
As can be seen above, I use a lot of washi tape.
Anyone get the reference?
And finally, me awkwardly holding my camera. We love an awkward sister.

And that concludes my room tour! I hope you enjoyed getting a little look into where I live. Part three will be about my flat in Belgium (I’m doing a semester abroad) once I’ve settled in.

This feature’s question:

What do you use to individualise your own space/room?

> Also, if you would like to have your own room featured in this series, let me know! I would love to get a peek into your living space! <<

36 thoughts on “Where I live: the blue box

  1. I really really enjoyed your room tour ,your room is cool btw,I love what you did with it ,it felt like I was a visitor who was getting a grand tour of your room ,I especially love your bookshelf and the pixie lamp
    What individualizes my room is the book shelf and color lilac

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aaahhh that makes me so happy to hear, I’m glad you liked this post (and my room)! My bookshelves are probably also my favourite thing in my room. Thanks for your kind comment! Ps. I looooooove lilac, it’s such a pretty colour. Book-lovers unite!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you think so, thank you! I just love to have as many of the things I love around me as possible, my friends included, which is why I plastered every surface available with my favourite pictures of them I guess. Thank you Dippy x


  2. Omg your room seems perfect for you! Especially love your light fixture, it’s so cute and how lucky are you for that view??? My room is all white with a few pops of green which I love, and quite the opposite of yours cos I only have a few things hanging up, like those drawings I did from my Week In My Life, and then a few pinterest pictures I printed out that are stuck on my bookshelf, this was such a cute post Fiona x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Priya girl (as always), I really love receiving comments from you! Your room sounds so pretty! I’m actually planning to take the print of Donald Glover you sent me to Belgium with me, so hopefully I’ll not forget to include it in the next feature of this series! Still love it so, so much!! xx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh man, this is really crazy, but ever since I was a kid, I’ve wanted my room to look SO MUCH like yours does, and it’s borderline creepy how similar the colour scheme and the vibes are.

    Since I shifted every two years, into like official officers houses, and shared a room with my sister, I never got to decorate my room quite like I wanted it but I think the last two years came pretty close. I had blue (my favourite colour) and purple (my sister’s favourite) coloured walls and my bookshelf was like my own little world in the corner of my room.

    Your room is like something out of an art magazine. I really loved this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. WHAAAAAAT that’s freaky, maybe this is fate! 😂 It’s great that you came close to decorating your room like you wanted to, I feel like a space that you feel comfortable and inspired in can make SUCH a difference when it comes to being productive and in general, just happy. And thank you so much Arshia, I’m really happy to hear that!


  4. Your room is so beautiful and aesthetic! Wow I’m literally in love with it! Your room is like something you’d find on Pinterest or Instagram and I love that! And your lamp is the most beautiful lamp ever (never thought I’d say that sentence!) And you definitely have an eye for creativity because the colour schemes and layout are perfect xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you thank you thank you!! That’s so kind of you. Haha, I never thought my camp would receive so many compliments! You’re so sweet to say that, I guess I like to fancy myself a “designer” sometimes, but most of the time I have absolutely no clue what I’m doing! xx


  5. Okay this is so weird that you call your room the blue box because I literally call mine “The room of box” ????? Makes absolutely no sense but I was lying in bed one night when I was like 11 and it popped into my head and I’ve just gone with it ever since. But anyway, your room is beautiful. I’m always so curious about people’s living / creative spaces because it says so much about them and yours definitely sums you up perfectly! So creative and wonderful .xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Whaaaaaat that’s such a coincidence, how weird! Similar minds think alike? Same, I always love getting a look into other people’s rooms and spaces, it’s so interesting and can reveal so much about a person! And thanks Chlo, I’m stoked you like it! xx

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  6. I love your room so much – it definitely reflects you and your personality. I love the mixture of colour and black and white photography on your walls. Excited for the next installment. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  7. fiona, i am in love with you. there, i’ve come out and said it. seriously, i’m freaking obsessed with just you and your general energy – this room is so you and it’s perfect and arty and beautiful and just ASDFGHJKL I LOVE IT. Also, studying in Belgium is going to be such an adventure, I’m so excited for you – and I can’t wait to read your posts about it!xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AAAAWWEEEEE thank you!! Just for the record, I’m in love with you too girl 😉 Everything you do is beyond incredible & inspiring. And omg tell me about it! It’s going to be SUCH a new territory for me, but then again – you’re going to freaking Australia! Talk about excitement. xx


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